Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blog 16: Advisory Meeting #2

 What is the best way an independent contractor can maxamize profit from selling foam?

Answer #2 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*

Provide good customer service to drive sales. 

3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)

Consistency. This is something i've noticed my mentor do. He shows consistency to his client/potential clients by either e-mailing or calling them and asking them if they have enough of the product.
Punctuality. My mentor makes sure that shipments of foam are delivered to clients when they are asked for if possilbe. The reason my mentor says it's really important is because his clients own companies that make mattresses and the employees can't work without the foam.
Friendly. By treating customers with a frendly and helpful matter. My mentor keeps in touch with his customers as well as sends them food baskets to show a nice gesture and as a thank you for business.

The research source (s) to support your details and answer

"12 Commandments for Closing a Sale" done by Grant Cardone has really made it easy for me to understand how to properly approach a customer. Some tips that are mentioned in the article I see my mentor accumulate on a regular basis.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

For my 30 hours I will do mentorship with my mentor. That will consist of rid alongs with him to visit clients as well as office and computer work. By office work I mean organizing files and making phone calls and by computer work I mean updating price lists and sending out invoices.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

I will do 3 hours at least a week with my menor and write in my hours on the log. I will also provide proof the pricelists and invoices that I make.

3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.

The work I will be doing will help me find my other answers to my essential question. The actual ride alongs with my mentor to see clients will help me see what my mentor has to do to make profit on a daily basis.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

(a) Statement saying: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

I Yesenia Martin, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component

My mentor Manuel Martin was my mentor through these 30 hours. He helped me understand how important it is to show consistency with your clients. He also showed me how to impress and get the attention of client to buy the product you are offering. My mentor also helped me understand how the measurements of foam are taken and how to figure out the exact price of the foam that is being sold.

(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours).   Post it next to your mentorship log.

  • (d) Explanation of what you completed.    

  • My mentor took me for ride alongs with him to visit clients as well as put me behind a computer making price lists and invoices. He also had me do a lot of hands on stuff with the actual product (foam). I had to cut cardboard templates out to the precise measurements that the clients asked for so that the employees in the back knew where exactly to cut the foam. I also helped design an easier form of a price list that is easier to understand. He introduced the template of the price list I helped him make to a Las Vegas Market convention.

    Defend your work and explain how the significant parts of your component and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.  

    How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better?  Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.

  • At first when I did my 10 hours for my summer mentorship I really couldn't picture the things my mentor would explain and since I started my 30 hours I actually got a chance to do all of the things my mentor would talk to me about. It really helped actually see and experience all the things I was told about the sales industry especially all the things I read.

    Lesson 2 Reflection

    1. Positive Statement

    What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

    I'm most proud of my activity because I was able to tell that the class understood what I was talking about. They understood so well that they figured out what my possible second answer can be.

    2. Questions to Consider
           a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

           I would give myself a P because I think I met all the requirements of talking time. The class also understood the lesson and were able to do the activity with no problem.

      b.     Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.

    I met time, I believe I got over 20 minutes in total. They class also understood what was being taught. My power point followed the 1/3 rule and I also had an essential question board.

    3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

    What I think worked for me was the timer because it helped keep time on the activity and speaking time.

    4.  (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

    I would have added a couple more slides to my powerpoint and give more examples of different kind of price lists.

    5. Finding Value
    What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

    Negotiate a price that benefits you as well as the client.