What is the best way an independent contractor can maxamize profit from selling foam?
Answer #2 (Write in a complete sentence like a
thesis statement)*
Provide good customer service to drive sales.
3 details to support the answer (a detail is a
fact and an example)
Consistency. This is something i've noticed my mentor do. He shows consistency to his client/potential clients by either e-mailing or calling them and asking them if they have enough of the product.
Punctuality. My mentor makes sure that shipments of foam are delivered to clients when they are asked for if possilbe. The reason my mentor says it's really important is because his clients own companies that make mattresses and the employees can't work without the foam.
Friendly. By treating customers with a frendly and helpful matter. My mentor keeps in touch with his customers as well as sends them food baskets to show a nice gesture and as a thank you for business.
The research source (s) to support your details
and answer
"12 Commandments for Closing a Sale" done by Grant Cardone has really made it easy for me to understand how to properly approach a customer. Some tips that are mentioned in the article I see my mentor accumulate on a regular basis.